mandag 22. november 2010

My first chess game with Dad

Today I played my first chess game with my dad and he won in 40 minutes.....He was very much impressed with my knowledge about chess( He did not know earlier that I learned a lot in chess at SFO ).

lørdag 20. november 2010

torsdag 15. juli 2010

एंड इ

tirsdag 6. juli 2010

words I learned today


onsdag 19. mai 2010


Today, I learned about the following Special doctors....
  • Neurologist- helps us if we're having problems with our brain.
  • anaesthetist - help us to sleep when we have an operation or test.
  • Radiologist - use special machines to take pictures of the body.
  • opthalmologist - who looks after people who have problems with their vision.
  • Dermatologist - helps with skin problems
  • Gynoclogist - helps women or girls
  • cardiologist - helps to solve the problem with heart
  • physiotherapist - who helps you with excersizes

and I ate orange-chocolate ice cream.

torsdag 13. mai 2010

13-may-2010 diary

Today early morning I went with dad to learn my bicycle.I learned to push my bike wihout my dad'd help.It was good experience...
later I learned the following :
  • - What do your arteries carry?
  • - What are the four different blood types?
  • - What is Digestion ?
  • - Why is ear wax made?
  • - What are your hair, skin and nails made from?
  • - Why are our tonsils like soldiers?
Later I studied with mom and played football too before finishing the game with some cool iphone Apps...

mandag 10. mai 2010

My swimming progress

Previous Sunday,Dad took the following videos when I was busy in swiiming class:

From 2010-05-09

Another video...
From 2010-05-09

lørdag 8. mai 2010

Shades of spring in Oslo

Dad was more fascinated by flowers and so I did force modelling :

Tree which had white flowers before leaves....
From 2010_Oslo

another pose for yellow shrubs....

From 2010_Oslo

I like this pose.....
From 2010-05-09

lørdag 1. mai 2010

My drawing class today

I learned some drawing cartoon today :

  • Helicopter
YOu want to know how it works you go..................

  • Cartoon Tree

  • Cartoon Elephant

lørdag 24. april 2010


Helping people to build World's tallest Lego.

søndag 18. april 2010

My dentist appointment

Yesterday , I had appointment with my dentist.....
He asked me to :
1. Do the brush at least 4 minutes.
2. Eat fluoride tablets everyday just before sleeping in night.I bought the cola flavour with Dad.

I missed my friend's Birtday party at school because of this appointment and chocolate cake as yod don't get all the things together...

I started learning my New bike(without support wheels)

Today I went with my dad to learn my new bicycle(in norwegian it is 'Bike'). This new bike is without support . Actually I was more scared than I should have been (as Dad told me that I may fall down as well) but every thing gone well.....

we started in turf ground as it is easy to fall on turf ...guess ...
I tried few meters without dad's support(many times)...

torsdag 15. april 2010


1. I went to School.
2. I piayed on Computer.
3. I ate Fish,Potato.
4. I stutdied States of the India.

søndag 11. april 2010


1. I watched Handy Mendy in morning on TV.
2. In afternoon , I went to my friend's house and we played Play station 2.
3. I went to swimming afterwards.
4. I repeated following :
Name of 4 Big Oceans :

......Pacific Ocean
......Indian Ocean(that is where India is - from where I came...)
......Atlantic Ocean( that is wher Norway is - That is where me and my family lives )
......Arctic Ocean
Name of the 7 continents :

......Europe(wher Norway is... )
......North America
......South America

søndag 4. april 2010


1. I had strawberry shake in breakfast.
2. I made mud-pie in my terrace.
3. I played on my Wii(Ninja 2 and more)
4. I learned :
.....1. why time is different in each country ?

.....2. what is equater line ?

.....3. why some countries are cold and some warm ?
.....4. we have 4 directions :

onsdag 31. mars 2010


1. I watch Barne TV in morning and
2. I played Bowling at veitvet bowling with mom.
3. In the evening I watched a program about 'Volcanos' on national geographic channel. We have one super volcano in America. It is called yellowstone.

We made these before the Easter holidays ( for parents )

søndag 28. mars 2010


1. I ate Seesh Kebab at Oslo Kebab in Grønland.It was very tasty.
2. I played with my water Springlet.
3. I went for evening walk.

søndag 28. februar 2010

I am happy because Sandeep did 2 goals today...

Dad told me that Sandeep singh ( The Guy with me in the picture ) did 2 goals in Indian victory of 4-1 over arch-rival Pakistan....

søndag 7. februar 2010

I played my first Football Tournament

I played my first football tournament today but guess who was the coach there.....
Look the picture(with coach) below...and don't smile