onsdag 19. mai 2010


Today, I learned about the following Special doctors....
  • Neurologist- helps us if we're having problems with our brain.
  • anaesthetist - help us to sleep when we have an operation or test.
  • Radiologist - use special machines to take pictures of the body.
  • opthalmologist - who looks after people who have problems with their vision.
  • Dermatologist - helps with skin problems
  • Gynoclogist - helps women or girls
  • cardiologist - helps to solve the problem with heart
  • physiotherapist - who helps you with excersizes

and I ate orange-chocolate ice cream.

torsdag 13. mai 2010

13-may-2010 diary

Today early morning I went with dad to learn my bicycle.I learned to push my bike wihout my dad'd help.It was good experience...
later I learned the following :
  • - What do your arteries carry?
  • - What are the four different blood types?
  • - What is Digestion ?
  • - Why is ear wax made?
  • - What are your hair, skin and nails made from?
  • - Why are our tonsils like soldiers?
Later I studied with mom and played football too before finishing the game with some cool iphone Apps...

mandag 10. mai 2010

My swimming progress

Previous Sunday,Dad took the following videos when I was busy in swiiming class:

From 2010-05-09

Another video...
From 2010-05-09

lørdag 8. mai 2010

Shades of spring in Oslo

Dad was more fascinated by flowers and so I did force modelling :

Tree which had white flowers before leaves....
From 2010_Oslo

another pose for yellow shrubs....

From 2010_Oslo

I like this pose.....
From 2010-05-09

lørdag 1. mai 2010

My drawing class today

I learned some drawing cartoon today :

  • Helicopter
YOu want to know how it works ....here you go..................


  • Cartoon Tree

  • Cartoon Elephant